Friday, November 14, 2014

Small whiny post makes looonger whiny post

<a href="">Adoptees ‘Flip the Script’</a> &lt northernspy2 &gt 11/14 04:12 

on the Pro-Adoption Narrative.

"I can’t remember not knowing I was adopted. My parents told me early, believing, as most of us do, that honesty always reigns. My biological mother, then a 20-year-old student, relinquished her rights to me when I was born in 1977.

As an adoptee (rhymes with “refugee” and “amputee”), being forsaken by my biological mom has burdened me, for as long as I can remember, with a sense of inborn exile — a gaping hole where my identity should be. Even notes from the foster home where I lived for four months as an infant before being adopted by my parents betrayed whispers of my growing discontent: “Cries constantly.” “Frowns at herself in the mirror.”

I started therapy at 15 and medication at 17 in a struggle to fight the depression that had consumed me since childhood with its soul-scraping negativity, barbs of self-loathing and perpetual hypervigilance against even the pettiest wrinkle of rejection...."

I just read this and I started writing a reply in the forum, butt then I realized that brevity is not my strong suit and I just kept going and going.  This would have taken four parts in the forum, but I can dump it all here.  I have other blogs that are very popular on other subjects but I don't usually write them on Ambien. I'm keeping them separate from this blog of course.  I started keepin' them separate because I didn't want to be asked for a baby and I didn't want to violate Peanut's privacy by putting things about her and her history online, but now I also have to do it because I have crazy bitches from Craigslist Adoption Forum, or possibly just one very determined crazy bitch, who have threatened me with all manner of getting arrested, getting sued and even trying to kick my ass. They get so cute when they've got the vapors there grammr and accuracy go way down and they USE CAPS and periods.between.words but sofar THEY.HAVENT.TRIED.BOTH.  They get frustrated when pwnd and dissapear for a while.  Sly has done it the most but LL did it the most recently. Anywhoo this girl does not know what she might have avoided by adoption.  A lot of adoptees blame the adoption agencies of creating orphans.  That's insinuating that a reasonably intelligent girl is not strong enough to resist them.  Methinks that makes her not strong enough to parent either and I don't see how these girls sucked into this are not all in cults by now being unable to say no to someone pretending to be their friend in even when their sheep's clothing is obvious.  I don't think these girls were really trapped, forced or coersed, especially when so many of them took literally decades to decide that they were wronged.  That's just easier to blame everyone else for what happened to them.

It hurts a lot that I am not raising my daughter, but I made this bed.  Usually its easy but I do my very best to enjoy this life I wanted.  One of the most important things that makes it feasible for me to raise a baby now is that I live in my husband's house.  My passion for helping the homeless has often meant that I have people detoxing from hard drugs in my house a lot.  They've stolen things and they've gotten violent and I found needles in my house, it doesn't seem like a place for a child.  But now I have people coming off the street in my old house and I live with my husband so it's safer.  And quieter.  And I can still do what I believe I was put here to do, help the homeless.  I don't think I'd be able to keep that household going and survive without his income also.   This is just another way I am in common with those of the BSE.  There are things I wanted to do with my life that were not compatible with parenting, like help the homeless.  I've helped dozens of people off the streets, I will continue to do this till I die. I didn't want to give that up.  I don't have any family other than those I've helped this way. It's the only thing I can do that will matter after I'm gone.

The people who complain about their lives adopted don't know what bullets they dodged, what they got to avoid.  The most common reasons my foster sisters would be where they were was stepdads, and moms who just couldn't leave them no matter what horrors they reaped on their children.  I remember one little girl came in beat to a pulp.  Later I found out she had an STD, and the stepdaddy and her mom ran away together.  She got it from her stepdad, who she called Daddy since she was a baby.

To live in poverty and insecurity. To have a few different stepdads in a year and to be asked to call 'em daddy.  To have a few of them that feel you up or beat your mother.  The ones bamboozled by an adoption agency would have no chance at all kinds of things in the real world, especially abusive boyfriends, or cults for that matter. Or even just timeshares presentations. All the I thought I was their friends, they isolated me, I owed them, I didn't want to disappoint them, they controlled me with shame, all that x20 with a bad boyfriend or a cult for that matter. Instead she could have easily been raised in a creepy cult with rotating stepdads.

I'm not saying adoption doesn't come with it's problems, I'm just saying that everything comes with problems. She got to go with a couple that was prepared to parent and a little more mature emotionally.  Bad things can happen, I think the church that Peanut goes to is dangerously close to a cult.  It's just less likely to.

When I was growing up, I didn't know what my identity should be either.  Visits with my halfies were rare and far between, usually at the same time I saw my mother.  Am I this person?  Many of my halfies were not white and none look like me except minor things like exact same nose.  I felt that I was definitely not any of these people.  And I surely didn't want to be my mother, always smelling of cheap cigarettes and overemotional and always promising baby this time I'm gonna make it I'm going to leave the streets behind and bring all my baby girls home!"  I'll never forget how it felt to know I was terrified of this.  Foster parents don't touch children much but she hugged us frequently without regard if we wanted a hug ever. I think I would have done better as a child to fantasize and wonder about her than to know the truth.

I think this poster is being a bit over-dramatic about what it means to know your genetic heritage.  It's one of the world's questions of just how much of who we are comes from our genes VS our experiences. I guess as the child of a prostitute and unknown John I have ego-related reasons to think this need to know about and importance of genetic links.

It's not really the prostitution really that bothers me anyway.  I've heard prostitution is both the world's oldest and the most honest profession.  I would never want to date a guy who saw a prostitute, but some people want to do this and we should provide the service.  She's weaseled out of some charges but also did shockingly little time for some awful things.  I consider selling drugs is a victim-less crime but a few violent things too.

As she rounds the corner of mid-50s there's less and less buyers I shudder to have some hints based on charges she weaseled out of of got drug treatment or might have even rolled 3 to not do serious time for. I noticed once my mom was really high and panhandling.  I asked her if she could help me get a hold of a speed-ball, and added that I had just turned 14 and really wanted to try it.  I said I had tried pot and beer before.  When she went in to get the drugs, I bailed. I really wanted her to change her mind.  First I thought she would refuse just because I looked very young, or if I emphasized it more.  Nope. I'd like to think she would have given that girl something harmless instead.  So its not really the prostitute about my mom that makes me sick.

I am not that.  I'm a skilled office worker and know too much about civil forfeiture to consider selling drugs.  The ladies at the adoption forum insist that my boyfriend does, it's just some crazy shit they made up and keep repeating.  I would never allow a drug deal to go down in my house, I know how RICO laws work. I wouldn't date a drug dealer because having someone over all the time makes my mostly paid off home a drug dealing station and also in period if he were caught.  No fuckin' way I'm risking my house for that shit.  Also drug dealers work all the time and I don't like jumpin' out to sell at 3am.

One thing that bothers me about the BSE women at the forum I frequent is that they seem to think they are better than everyone else because they were born into a middle class family.  Poor girls will game the system their whole lives. but with a tiny hand-up they would have made it through college with babies in tow and no problem.  It's their, uh, middle class values they say. Middle class values are a punchline, a meaningless buzz term that politicians use.  The only definition they could find for middle class values emphasized over-consumption and keeping up with the Jones'. I guess it also includes leaving your child so that people would not think you had premarital sex and so you could keep all those fake friends who don't even really know you.

They accuse me of dumping my child, but I made an adoption plan.  I see her all the time.  I don't have input in raising her, obviously, and it's really hard sometimes to step back and remember I don't have a say.  I really wanted her to be raised without the influence of a church but these previous agnostics have found a church and she enjoys it every week.  It breaks my heart that eventually this will lead her to be ashamed of her body and feel guilty about her very nature, being told her natural urges and very essence is inherently bad because some lady had some fruit a while back.  Why put the tree there to begin with? If he made people then why the fuck did he not know that the one that he said stay away from was the most appealing one?  He could have put teh tree on another part of the planet or made it 50' tall.  That bastard. I don't want my daughter subjected to this, but these are the kind of decisions I relinquished the right to make when I did this adoption.

I am a person that needs a lot of quiet me time to be happy.  Sometimes I take a mental health day at work and spend the entire day writing songs poems and articles, painting, recording or doing crafts. Sometimes I just don't want to be bothered for a whole day, at least twice a month. A few times I've gone to the airport and picked a place that is leaving in the next few hours, harder to do after 9-11.  Or go camping in the woods or on the shore or snowboarding. I can do it all stoned, or I can be sober. I take at least 6 weeks off every year for conventions and other travel.

Thinking about the burning man kids area really helped solidify for me that I do not want to parent.  Burning man is about exploring and interacting, but the kids camp just stays at kids camp.  Their curfew keeps them from being involved in most of what happens there, and most of their time and energy is taking care of the kids.  There are lost children there all the time, I have found and returned a lot of lost children at various festivals.  Usually stoned out of my mind, I felt bad knowing their parents were too.  Someone could have really hurt them and they wouldn't have been reported gone until morning.  They were lonely and scared and trying to find mom in a big crowd. This is the kind of thing that happens when people are not ready.

There's no doubt that adoption hurts everybody.  There has to be some disappointment for the adopters, many of which really wanted to have biological children and are still at some levels upset that they cannot. It might be too easy for them to blame any problems with the child on heredity or the trauma or getting adopted.  I hope this doesn't result in children getting unnecessary drugs, those are prescribed hundreds of times more often than they are needed.  A child is not hyperactive or disrespectful if they don't want to shut up and do math, they are a child.  The more I think about it the more I wish I could talk them into homeschooling Peanut not with their church but with some local homeschooling groups.

I sometimes have to tell myself over and over that I am just a family friend.  Per our agreement I would have no more say in how Peanut is raised than I would if I was just a family friend.  That is all.  This is what I agreed to but it feels so unnatural at times.  I care about this little girl more than everything else I have ever cared about combined, and its hard to know that the church will surely hurt her at one point.  Why tell her she is inherently bad and flawed and that her sexuality churning inside of her is wrong?  I really hope because of that church she is not gay.

I took a sleeping pill tonight and I still can't sleep.  I think I'm going to call in sick for the 2nd day in a row.  I'll probably still have ot have the phone forwarded in but I won't have to do anything else or even change out of my slippers.  It's a slippers day.  Sometimes this adoption thing just swallows me whole. I really liked writing without having to worry about the length.

I'm kind of ashamed of what I wrote yesterday.  I think I'll delete it and write a more coherent story of what happened.  All of it from just getting out of a break after a LTR that didn't work out to the rape and the pregnancy him running and getting caught and Mexican mail and calls not answered and hung up on to more and more calls and carepackages sent back unopened and answering and telling them I wanted them to take her and the long walk from my house to her house and deciding not to abort under the tree and running into her stoned and making her mom mad to when I found out she was pregnant and when they were going to church and first quit to the whole thing.

But I don't have to do all that now, because I feel a little better now.  I think I'm going to sleep.  I'll find out later how to delete that first post and replace it with my intro story. Ambien makes me weird when it doesn't knock me out.

Where could I ever start?

I've wanted to start a blog for a long time but it just seems overwhelming. Where would I start? Here is a very short version.

Long story short I was date raped and gave up my daughter for adoption.  Being in my early 30s when she was born and well into a mortgage I don't meet the usual birthmother stereotype.  I think I am going to write about my journey here when I feel like it.  Should I also mention my mother is a heroin addict and I was raised in foster care?  I guess I just did.

I have only written sofar just on Craigslist Adoption Forums where I started writing about halfway through my pregnancy. I have done very little venturing outside of that forum, where I have repeatedly been called a liar by verified liars. If you added up all my postings outside there about this it was less than a dozen.

Peanut turned 4 last summer. It's been a real challenge keeping my relationship with these people strong with mutual respect. If they did not have my daughter there were a few times I would have cussed them out and I'm sure they've held their tongue too.

I feel so blessed that I got to really get to know her adopters without them having any idea that I was considering placing my child.  When they first met me they assumed that I was just getting to know a family in the neighborhood because I was expecting. They didn't believe me at first when I told them that I was planning for most of my pregnancy to give her up for adoption. I don't think I could or would have made this leap of faith if I only knew them under the premise of them from the start wanting something as badly as most adopters want a child.  It must be hard to have honesty that way.

When a potential birthmother is meeting potential adopters she has all the power, but might feel like she owes them if she accepts financial help.  At any time she could walk away and send them back to the waiting area so they have every reason to laugh at her worst jokes. As soon as the revocation period is over they have even more power over her. She could have thrown them back in the waiting area to look for another birthmother but if she goes through with it they can take her irreplaceable child from her.  If they have resentments from when she was in control they are going to come out.

When I entered into this agreement with them it never occurred to me that the family might move, find Jeebus or have more kids. I was mortified when they mentioned that he was applying for jobs in other cities and was even interviewed by one. They seemed upset when I moved even though it just means more driving for me as I usually visit them. I still own a house that's walkable distance to theirs and plan to move back before Peanut is old enough to walk to my house by herself. I didn't ask a lot of questions about their plights with infertility but it must not have been as bad as I thought since they've had more kid(S!) accidentally.

There was nothing on the original agreement about Jeebus but I just assumed that at their age they wouldn't fall for it if they hadn't already. We talked about it and they were veritably anti-church before.  I am usually hostile to religion but have had to do a lot of biting my tongue.  It's going to get even more challenging when she is older and if she asks me about this stuff.  I try not to cheer too hard when they stop going to their church because they always seem to go back like an abusive boyfriend. I don't want Peanut to ever be sad thinking I am going to hell. I went to their church once at their insistence and I'd do it regularly if Peanut was genuinely concerned I was going to hell.  I hope that girl never realizes just how much she has me wrapped around her pinkie.  I would be just broken if I couldn't see her.

It really bothers me how on Teen Mom Bethany puts forth so much effort to nurture the relationship between Catelyn and the birth-parents.  I don't know any other birthmothers but I doubt the agency answers years later to help manage the relationship between adopters and birthmoms like they do on the show.  I doubt they even answer calls from most birthmothers after the ink is dry. Caitlyn seems genuinely concerned about other birthmothers, I might someday try to bring this to her attention.  Especially since she has that nauseating video recommending Bethany's brand of Jeebus to everyone.

I've babysat Peanut and her brother both times when mom was in labor and brought them to the hospital to meet their most recent sibling. Peanut was told that I came out of her tummy but she didn't seem too interested. I think she was mostly upset with the usual not-the-baby-anymore and not even the 2nd-place-baby anymore stuff that any newly 2nd to youngest child feels. I tried to make her excited about being a big sister and a bigger sister but I think she just wants to stay a baby. I can't even get her excited about starting school like her brother just did.

I heard his brother ask about his birthmother recently.  They said she was in China and they didn't know much.  I feel sad that he will have to be told eventually that he was abandoned. I hope before he's old enough to search there's a 23 and Me in China where he can find his biological family and translation technology that will allow them to seamlessly communicate. I enjoy international exploring, maybe I'll take him to China when he's older.

When we tell Peanut the whole story about me not wanting to be a mommy at that time and this having nothing to do with her I hope it makes her feel empowered.  She doesn't have to be a mommy either unless that's what she wants, and not until she wants. Of course she's still too young for any of that now.  Surely she will feel some rejection like kids do during divorce.  But is that really worth me parenting when I didn't want to? If I was home with her on my hip I never would have gotten close to my husband. I would be trapped in the house all the time with a baby.  Never able to lock myself in a room and do what I do.  She follows her mom into the bathroom. Wow.

I've always agreed that I would never go anywhere near Peanut when I am stoned but once they ran into me out in public when I was. They overreacted and other than them moving that was the only time I thought they might break the promises between us.  Now we have a codeword that means hey I'm stoned lets make this a short surprise visit.  I've used it a few times and they didn't even seem to mind much.

When I'm stressing these things I spend more time on the Craigslist adoption forum than I should. First mother forum ladies said some interesting things to me about women coming in there all gangbusters who have recently given children up.  I dont' remember their exact words but they touched me. It's not good for me to go into that openly hostile environment when I feel off like this.

Proving that others weren't forced doesn't make my choice any more justifiable but the intellectual masturbation is still a decent distraction. These women that drive me nuts made the same choice I did, but they just can't admit they walked away from all that they did. I can understand why they'd feel that way but I still resent them for lying about what happened and blaming the whole world.

I'm disgusted by them outright lying about history by saying that there were 6 million babies involved in the BSE when there were actually only 1.5 million adopted in that whole era.  They continue to insist that there was no welfare available for unwed white mothers and that they would be turned away when it was really black women, especially those with more than one child, who were turned away.  They outright lie about what happened to them.  I have links of them contradicting themselves, saying for example they read the list of drugs aloud to their husband from their medical records and then later that the names of the drugs were not on their medical records. Dozens of contradictions just like that but they have the nerve to say I'm lying without any evidence of such. I once wrote to someone from a magazine who was doing a piece on adoption.  She wanted to take my picture and interview me for the story. I almost did it, just so I could be like, look bitches, buy this magazine, that's me, kiss my ass.  I ended up not doing it because that would create a permanent record that could violate Peanut's privacy.

I am most offended by the strong undertones that they are better than poor women.  HA!  Poor women were able to find a way to keep their babies, hell or high water.  Poor women did what they wanted to do even if it meant dirty looks, and stood by their friends in the same boat.  I was raised in foster homes that were mostly poor but I'm glad I didn't pick up any middle class values despite being reasonably well off now!

It also pisses me off how they perpetuate the stigma on welfare by accusing me of gaming the system which I've never used as an adult.  They've called me a slut in every which way.  I admit that I've had one night stands but I see no reason I can't use my body as I see fit.  They brought this up and even exaggerated and used my history against me when they were picking apart my rape and saying it didn't happen. This is war, those bitches will never hear the end of me.

Part of me understands their skepticism. I know its unusual for an adult like msyelf established in the world owning a house to give up a child.  I just simply did not want to be a parent. I didn't want to.  Why would I sacrifice a greater part of my adult life with something I did not want to do while others wanted nothing more?  If my choices were to leave her in the woods or raise her I would have raised her, but there was another option.  It's not easy.  It does hurt sometimes.  But the reality is instead of changing nappies and potty training I have been free.  I can sit and play the guitar and write songs or computer programs or bad poetry or paint for hours and my husband knows better than to knock on my study. I can go up in the mountains or to the beach for the weekend with no planning.  I can get drunk and crawl home and not have to worry about childcare. Parenting just seemed like an damper on the rest of my life and I feel like I'm still free and I still get to see her grow and thrive with people who want to spend their time this way.

At 35 I find myself a lot more calmed down than I was at 31. I think sometimes about having another baby before it's too late. My husband really wants to have a child but he knew when he married me I didn't.  He says he will watch the kid if I want to go to the mountains or get drunk or spend a day in my study.  I just can't imagine explaining this to Peanut and that's the biggest reason I don't want to do it. The biggest reason I've been considering it is like me my husband gets just one life and he really wants to do this.  We have also decided that in our 40s we are going to adopt some teenagers and help them get a good start on adulthood.

I always feel better after writing.  My husband wants me to come to bed.  I think I will.